Sales Reports
Sales reports consist of a set of partner-specific CSVs that describe any orders, line items, fulfillments, refunds, and payment transactions that occurred during a given reporting period. For example, a sales report can include a list of all the orders placed with a specific partner during the month of April.
Sales Report Structure
Each sales report consists of multiple CSV files, each detailing different transaction types:
- Orders: A list of orders placed during the reporting period.
- Line Items: A list of line items purchased during the reporting period.
- Fulfillments: A list of any fulfillments created during the reporting period.
- Refunds: A list of refunded, cancelled, or returned orders. You can use this information to settle up with your partner.
- Invoices: A list of any payments or refunds that have an underlying financial transaction that Mothership has processed (for example, via a Stripe integration).
NOTE: If no refunds or fulfillments occurred during the reporting period, the corresponding CSV file will not be generated.
Reporting Periods
Suppliers manage the frequency of the reporting period on a per-partnership basis.
Available reporting period options:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- As a supplier, you can configure the sales report period, by clicking on 'Retailers' in the menu on the left, selecting the retailer you want to modify, and selecting the reporting frequency under the Sales Reporting Configuration section.
Accessing Sales Reports
- Sales reports are listed on the left-hand side of the sales reports section.
- Reports are organized on a per-partnership basis.
- Click the 'Download' button and open the CSV files in Excel or an equivalent spreadsheet program.
Report Data Inclusion
Sales reports capture activities that occurred during the specified reporting period.
- Example:
- An order placed in Reporting Period A will appear in that period’s sales report.
- If the fulfillment occurs in Reporting Period B, it will be recorded in the Reporting Period B sales report, even if the order was placed earlier.
Closing a Sales Report
- Sales reports can be closed at any time by selecting "Close Out Sales Report."
- A sales report cannot be modified once it has been closed. New events will be included in the next sales report.
Email Notifications
- Sales report recipients can be configured under Settings > Addresses > Sales Report Recipients.
- Sales reports are sent to the sales report recipients at the end of the reporting period.
Important Notes:
- Sales reports provide transaction details but do not consolidate order-related activities across periods.
- Suppliers and retailers are responsible for managing their own financial records based on the data provided in these reports.
If you have any questions or if you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to